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Political Prisoner/POW Statements
for April 24, 2012 Occupy the Justice Department

There are 2 Statements from Herman Bell,
one for Mumia and one to the movement.



Let's “Pick up the Work” to Educate, Agitate & Organize to Free our Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War

Malcolm X Commemoration Committee

déqui kioni-sadiki & Mani Gilyard, co-chairs

“What you and I need to do is learn to forget our differences...We have a common oppressor,
a common exploiter, and a common discriminator.... once we all realize that we have
a common enemy, then we unite on the basis of what we have in common.”
 — Malcolm X  “Message to the Grass Roots”

Malcolm X Commemoration Committee • PO Box 380-122 • Brooklyn, NY 11238